Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The girls had a fun tour of Albertsons yesterday. They got to see the giant ovens, the freezers, the pharmacy, they talked about all the nutritious foods and got to see a squid up close. At the end they got a certificate for a free apple, they were very excited to go through the checkout line to get their apples.

the pharmacist

We had to take a short break and play Simon says because the manager and our tour guide had to escort out a drunken man that was pushing people-lovely I know. Don't worry I moved the girls all the way to the other side of the store during this time.

This lady was pretty passionate about her squid, I think the girls were a little scarred-

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Planting Flowers

The girls decorated their little planters with jewels, stickers, and glitter. They filled them with dirt, put in their seeds and gave them a little water. Each girl gave their own seed a good little start, now they have to rely on each other to keep them going. Each girl will get a turn to take all 11 plants and take good care of them for a few days.
Yesterday we also drew secret pals, bring your gift back for the girl you picked on May 4th.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rock Climbing

The Rock Climbing night was a blast! For some of the girls this was very scary and difficult but they all tried many times and faced their fears. I was very proud of all the girls! Some of the girls zipped up to the top of the wall like they were professional climbers. It was a fun night!










What a cute group!-
cheering each other on-