Friday, April 1, 2011

Rock Springs Airport

The airport tour was fabulous! The girls saw the airport and learned about going through security and where the bags go. Then they got to go out to the airplane hanger. The hanger was built before the 1920's and they even have a picture of Amelia Earhart under the exact same hanger. The girls got to watch the FedEx guys load the airplane and then check out a helicopter. Next, they got to see the giant firetrucks they use to put out airplane fires. The girls were given free rain over the entire area and were climbing through and on top of the fire trucks. They loved it! The fire fighters let them try on their gear. And the girls went home with a little model airplane to build.

After all that I still think their favorite part of the night is when I had to cram all of them into my van to get over to the hanger. Lets just say my van wasn't made to fit 12 kids, luckily it was only a half mile away, so the screaming and laughing only lasted a couple minutes. haha

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